Opening of an exhibition by two photographers from Partium, one hour apart
On Friday, 21.07.2023, the opening of the exhibition of two photographers from Paros took place
On Friday, 21.07.2023, the opening of the exhibition of two photographers from Paros took place
A retrospective exhibition of the works of András Ótos, a photographer from Novi Sad (South),
In 2021, the Euro Foto Art International Association (AIEFA) in Oradea, together with the Carpathian
The successful exhibition of the previous year, opened in Nagyvárad, Szegedi Délvidék, and the Debrecen
The exhibition titled “Seasons in the Carpathian Basin” was opened on Sunday, June 4, 2023,
The Exhibition Centre of the Euro Foto Art International Association was inaugurated in the E
On the 200th anniversary of Kölcsey’s birth, István Tóth AFIAP, ESFIAP, a photographer from Nagyvárad,
The Vilidár István Vilidár Gallery, located in the Principality Palace of Oradea Castle, will host
The ceremonial opening of the exhibition Master and His Disciples took place on Saturday, 26
The “Ștefan Vilidár István” Gallery, administered by the Nagyváradi Fotográfusok Tavirózsa Fotóklubja (CFNO) and organized