Opening of the solo exhibition of Olívia Erdélyi from Vojvodina

The “Ștefan Vilidár István” Gallery, located in the conference hall of the medieval Prince’s Palace (Building C, 1st floor) in Oradea, managed by the “Tavirózsa” Club of Oradea (CFNO), is hosting an exhibition by Olivia Erdélyi, a photographer from Királyhalom, Vojvodina.

The opening of the solo exhibition took place within the framework of this year’s seven online technical and photographic art courses, five of which were organized by the “Euro Foto Art” International Association in cooperation with the Carpathian Basin Institute of the Castle (HU), led by Ștefan Tóth István AFIAP, the president of the two Photography Associations of Oradea.

At the opening, the graduating Olivia Erdélyi displayed 50 photographs from multiple cycles: reports, socio-photos, still life, and landscapes. The audience, limited in number due to current health regulations, and those present on the online platform, were welcomed by Ștefan Tóth István AFIAP, who introduced the context of the seven online courses completed this year by 120 students.

“In my more than 45 years of teaching, I have been satisfied to see that thousands of photography lovers worldwide have taken the courses I led. This year’s online courses offered the opportunity to deliver the course lectures at an unprecedented level thanks to the highly appreciated ZOOM platform. This exhibition is a premiere, which proved the quality of the courses held and the talent of the graduates, who were able to create so many technically and artistically valuable images in the city where they live, like Olivia Erdélyi, who lives just one kilometer from the Serbian-Hungarian border, only a few months after obtaining her Diploma,” emphasized the photographer from Oradea.

The author of the exhibition thanked for the opportunity to complete this year’s first course and those who prepared her first solo exhibition in this wonderful exhibition space. At the opening of the exhibition, the graduate of the G / 2021 group, Szílvia-Petra Zeffer (a student of the Art High School of Oradea), also spoke, thanking the lecturer for the method of teaching the courses and the atmosphere created during the course.

The musical moments of the opening were provided by József Sándor Thurzó, an artist representative of the “Duo Varadiensis” band (viola), who performed several Hungarian musical works (in his personal viola arrangement): the “Sein Lied” by Sándor Bihari, “Fiery Evening” by Zoltán Kodály, “Székely Evening” by Béla Bartók, and “Memories” by Dávid Popper.

Students of the Art High School of Oradea also performed at the opening, who prepared a special program for this event, introduced by the deputy director of the High School, teacher Gabriella Nagy. At the opening, student István Ferencz, prepared by teacher Anita Lupse, performed a piece by Mendelssohn on violin, while student Nikoletta Kis, prepared by teacher Georgiana Mircescu, performed a piece by J. S. Bach on flute. A group of three students, Mercedesz Szlivka, Vanessa Braun, and Barbara Szávuly, prepared by teacher Csilla Béres, performed a Hungarian folk song. The students’ musical program was accompanied on piano by Prof. Mercédesz Ferencz.

A surprising scene of the opening was the appearance of Károly Vass – Santa Claus, who gave presents to those present at the opening. The event was broadcast online on the Association’s Facebook platform, followed by more than 400 photography lovers from all over the world.

Those who could not watch the opening of the photo art exhibition live can replay the broadcast by clicking on the link:

The creations exhibited in the “Ștefan Vilidár István” Gallery can be viewed at the link:, and the works of the last series of students: exhibitions- rooms/efa-online-gallery/

The new exhibition organized together with the Association for the Promotion of Tourism in Oradea and its surroundings (APTOR) is open to visitors until January 4, 2022, daily from 08:00 to 20:00, entry is free.