2023, May 15th, Monday morning marked the meeting between Dr. Szabó Pál Csaba, executive president of the Carpathian Basin Institute (KMI), and Tóth István AFIAP, ESFIAP, a photographer from Nagyvárad and vice president of the Carpathian Hungarian Photography Association (KMFT). The meeting took place at the headquarters of KMI.
During the encounter, the vice president from Nagyvárad reported on the one-year achievements of the creative community comprising 43 members. Additionally, the vice president presented the society’s future plans and the work schedule for 2023, which included recent events such as the “Seasons in the Carpathian Basin” exhibition, featuring works by the members, held at the EFA Exhibition Center’s Mezey Lajos Gallery within the Nagyvárad Medieval Castle. They also discussed the organization of the Partium Creative Camp scheduled for September 13th to 19th.
As part of the meeting, it was decided that the KMFT website would be launched soon, and they would request the society to become the second Regional Member of the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP) recognized by UNESCO. They further agreed to present representative exhibitions of KMFT as traveling displays in the regional exhibition spaces of the Magyar Házak Hálózat, the partner institution of KMI. It was also mentioned that KMFT members would soon receive their society identification cards. The discussion concluded with addressing the 2024 work plan.
(Photo by KMI)

(Fotó KMI)