KMFT’s first photography creative camp in Becej

The first free photographic art camp of the Hungarian Photographic Society of the Carpathian Basin (KMFT) took place in Óbecse, in the South of Hungary, led by László Jusztin, member of the KMFT, on July 01-03, 2022, organised by the Municipality of Óbecse and the Carpathian Basin Institute – Szeged (HU), in partnership with the KMFT.

The partners of the international camp were the Youth Office of Óbecse Municipality, the Municipal Theatre and Folk Library of Óbecse Municipality, the Đido Cultural Circle of the Municipality, the Hungarian Cultural Circle of Sándor Petőfi and last but not least the regional representation of TV media in Óbecse and Freetown.

The opening ceremony of the camp took place on Friday, July 1, 2022 at 6 pm in the Gallery of the Municipal Theatre “Circle” at 2 Gerber Street. Attila Barát (Southern Region), Gyöngyi Bánházi (Partium), János Csíki (Partium), Orsolya Dobronay-Fenyvessy (Hungary), Olívia Erdélyi (Southern Region). Ervin Erdélyi (South), Gergely Fábián Fábián (Felvidék), Endre Farkas (Transylvania), Éva Ferenczi (Felvidék), Andrea Fórián (Partium), Mária Gál (Hungary), Réka Guzsvány (Felvidék), László Jusztin (South), Árpád Kasza (South Vida), Orsolya Kovács (Partium), Géza Lennert EFIAP (Novi Sad), Márta Sándorné Szabó (Hungary), István Tóth AFIAP, ESFIAP (Partium), Magdolna Tóth (Partium) and József Sándor Thurzó (Partium).

István Tóth, AFIAP, ESFIAP, Vice President, KMFT, Oradea, welcomed the participants and thanked the representatives and partners for their contribution. Afterwards, the opening of the group exhibition of Olívia Erdélyi from King Halom and László Jusztin from Óbece, members of KMFT and Euro Foto Art International Association from Oradea, took place. In his speech, photographer István Tóth praised the works of the two photographers and wished them continued success in the coming period.

The opening ceremony featured performances by the Đido cultural circle of the place, the Hungarian cultural circle of Sándor Petőfi and the Oradea violist Sándor József Thurzó. The opening was followed at 7 pm by the presentation of the album “My settlement”, published by Euro Foto Art Publishing House, in the Youth Office of the Centre (Gerber street 2). István Tóth AFIAP, ESFIAP curator and director of the publishing house praised the artistic and technical quality of the album.

On Saturday 1 July 2022, at 6 pm, a biographical projection presentation by Géza Lennert, EFIAP photographer from Novi Sad, member of the Euro Foto Art International Association from Oradea, took place in the Municipal Theatre.

During the camp, participants had the opportunity to photograph several monuments and take night shots of the beautiful southern city. On Sunday morning, the international camp was closed at the MappaMondov Restaurant at 8 Urosa Predica Street after a festive breakfast.