“Impressions of Bečej” photo exhibition opening

The “Ștefan Vilidár István” Gallery, administered by the Nagyváradi Fotográfusok Tavirózsa Fotóklubja (CFNO) and organized by Euro Foto Art’s Nagyvárad Exhibition Centre, is hosting the “Becsei Impressions” (SRB) photo exhibition from this week onwards. The exhibition was arranged in collaboration with the Nagyvárad and Area Tourism Promotion Association (APTOR), under the patronage of the “Euro Foto Art” International Association (AIEFA) and supported by Summi Agro Romania, featuring 50 black and white and colored creations recently created by photographers from Bihar in the international art camp of the Carpathian Basin Hungarian Photographic Society (KMFT) associated with the Carpathian Basin Institute.

The international camp was organized with the support of the “Carpathian Basin” Institute in Szeged and involved 22 photographers from Vojvodina, Upper Hungary, Partium, Transylvania, and Hungary, coordinated by the Szeged Carpathian Basin Institute (KMI) in cooperation with the city hall of Óbecse between July 1st and 3rd, 2022, under the leadership of the Óbecse photographer László Jusztin. Gyöngyi Bánházi, János Csíki, Andrea Fórián, Orsolya Kovács and István Tóth AFIAP, ESFIAP from FMFT Partium participated in the international camp.

The exhibited 50 creations represent the visual impressions of the photographers from Partium. The opening of the event was held on July 18, 2022, Monday at 6:00 PM, in the presence of a large audience (despite the particularly high heat), welcomed by István Tóth AFIAP, ESFIAP, a photographic artist. The photographer from Nagyvárad highly appreciated the initiative to organize the international photographic art camp, which offered an opportunity to create numerous special images.

Exhibitor Orsolya Kovács, who displayed photos at the exhibition taken in the center of Óbecse, in local churches and on the banks of the Tisza, emphasized in her speech the importance of this event as she met many colleagues whom she had previously only encountered on the ZOOM platform in online courses. The event was broadcast live on the Association’s Facebook page.

The cultural program of the opening was provided by the members of the “Duo Sola Fide” group: József Sándor Thurzó, who performed Dávid Popper’s “Unforgettable memories” op 64, 1. (in the performer’s viola adaptation). Andrea Fórián, photographer and performer, recited Sándor Sík’s poem titled “Remain Human”, as well as his poem titled “Sculpture” to the musical accompaniment of Sándor Bihari’s Ave Maria, and Karl Dittersdorf’s “German dance”. In the end, József Sándor Thurzó, a viola artist, performed Zoltán Kodály’s “Evening with the Székelys” (in his viola adaptation).

The new exhibition will remain open to the public until July 31, 2022, daily between 08:00 and 20:00, with free admission.