The successful exhibition of the previous year, opened in Nagyvárad, Szegedi Délvidék, and the Debrecen Partium House, will also be inaugurated under the auspices of the International Federation of Photographic Art recognized by UNESCO, in Transcarpathia and the Kárpátalja House in Kisvárda, in the first days of July 2023.
The course was completed by 100 participants from the Southern Region, Transylvania, and the Upper Lands, out of which 40 graduates enrolled in the Hungarian Photographic Society of the Carpathian Basin, affiliated with the Carpathian Basin Institute.
The exhibition compiled from the first 50 photographs will be opened on Tuesday, July 4, 2023, at 6 pm in the Bátfa Pálóczi Horváth Simon Community House, located just 8 km from Uzhgorod.

The audience will be greeted by Dobán Dorina, a local Reformed pastor and course graduate, and then István Tóth AFIAP, ESFIAP, the course’s leading photographer and presenter, will share his positive impressions about the course.
Following this, he will present the album published last year by the Euro Foto Art Publishing House, with the financial support of EFANE and KMI, which will be given free of charge to those interested. He will also present the Szathmári Pap Károly plaque, won by Dobán Dorina, a photographer, within the framework of the competition called ‘Seasons in the Carpathian Basin’, organized by EFANE and KMFT.
At the opening, József Thurzó Sándor, a violist from Nagyvárad and representative of the Sola Fide Community and Cultural Association, will perform Zoltán Kodály’s “Evening at the Campfire” and János Lavotta’s “Melodies from the Highlands”, both arranged for solo viola by the performer himself.
The second part of the exhibition will be opened on Wednesday, July 5, 2023, at 5 p.m. at the Carpathian Hungarian House in Kisvárda. The audience will be welcomed by Director László Bodrog, then István Tóth AFIAP, ESFIAP photographer, course leader and speaker will present the exhibited works and the album titled ‘My Settlement’, which will similarly be given to the audience for free.

You can also view and flip through the album on the KMFT website: ‘My Settlement‘.
At the opening, József Sándor Thurzó, a viola artist from Nagyvárad, representative of the Sola Fide Community and Cultural Association: J. Brahms 5th Hungarian Dance, Alfréd Macalik’s Menuetto, Zsolt Lászlóffy’s Hidden Stream, Performs Zoltán Kodály’s Evening Song.
The exhibition posters were made by Norbert Hős, a photographer from Szabadka (Vojvodina). Both openings can be followed live or watched later on the Facebook page of the Hungarian Photographic Society of the Carpathian Basin (KMFT):