On the 200th anniversary of Kölcsey’s birth, István Tóth AFIAP, ESFIAP, a photographer from Nagyvárad, paid tribute through several solo exhibitions.
The exhibition titled “The Message of Sződemeter” was first opened in partnership on the Day of Hungarian Culture, January 22, 2022, with the financial support of “Magyar Házak” Non-Profit Ltd. and the “Partium” House in Debrecen.
The exhibition showcased 20 large-format black-and-white artistic photos. Ferenc Kölcsey finished the text of the Hungarian anthem on January 22, 1823, and in his memory, this has been the Day of Hungarian Culture since 1989.
At the festive event, the audience was greeted by István Stanik, the director of the “Partium” House, who greatly appreciated the artistic quality of the creations and thanked the photographer from Nagyvárad for this exhibition, which is now being shown for the first time in Hungary. The individual exhibition was opened by Dr. István Puskás, Deputy Mayor of Debrecen, who emphasized the importance of the Day of Hungarian Culture, into which the exhibited photos fit very well.
The pleasant atmosphere of the opening was served by the performance of József Sándor Thurzó, a violist and member of the “Duo Varadiensis” Chamber Group, who played several Hungarian pieces from the repertoire.
The exhibition of the photographer from Nagyvárad can be visited by the general public until February 28, 2023.
The exhibited pictures can be admired on the Association’s website: The jubilee exhibition was opened within the framework of the Bicentenary in the presence of a large audience at the “Ferenc Kölcsey” Church and Cultural Center in Sződemeter on January 22, 2023, at 3 p.m., at which the author could not appear as another festive exhibition of his was opened at the same time at the Kölcsey Center in Debrecen.
The author greeted the attendees in a message. After the 11:00 a.m. worship service on January 29, 2023, the exhibition titled “The Message of Sződemeter” was opened in the Nagyvárad-Rogérius Reformed Church.
At the exhibition opening, the author presented the 20 large-format black-and-white creations on display and thanked István Kövendi and Alpár Bán, pastors, and Csilla Pető, chief curator, for the invitation. István Stanik, media expert, director of the Partium House, who, as the professional director of the Network of Hungarian Houses, addressed the gathering about the Day of Hungarian Culture and the national belonging of the two institutions, and their activities.
The pictures had to be viewed on the website of the Euro Foto Art International Association: https://www.eurofotoart.com/efa-exbhibitions-halls/efa-digi-gallery/04/, and until the end of February on the screens of the modern vehicles of the OTL Nagyvárad Transportation Company.
On Friday, January 20, 2023, at 6 p.m., another solo exhibition titled “Kölcsey’s Life Path” was opened in the Princely Palace operating in building C of the castle in Nagyvárad.
The exhibition compiled in honor of the day of Hungarian culture was realized in partnership with the Nadányi Zoltán House of Culture in Berettyóújfalu and the Association Promoting Tourism in and Around Nagyvárad (APTOR), with the support of Summit Agro Romania.
The director of the cultural house, Éva Lisztes, emphasized the importance of the day of Hungarian culture in her speech, then she said:
“For us, Nagyvárad has always been the city we felt closer to our hearts than Debrecen. We always come to this wonderful city with great joy and feel at home here.”
István Tóth AFIAP, ESFIAP thanked the director and the former leader of the institution, Lajos Porkoláb, who also attended the event, for their presence, which enhanced the light of the opening, and over the years they have contributed greatly to the success of the events organized in the two cities.
The exhibition material consists of 50 black-and-white photographs depicting the defining locations of the personality of Ferenc Kölcsey, a Hungarian poet, literary figure, and politician. Andrea Fórián, an exhibiting artist, was also invited, who is represented with four photographs at the exhibition of the well-known photographer from Nagyvárad.
The exhibited works can also be viewed on the AIEFA website, here: https://www.eurofotoart.com/efa-exbhibitions-halls/efa-digi-gallery/05/.
Both exhibitions were accompanied by a performance of Duo Sola Fide. Hungarian music was played by viola artist József Sándor Thurzó, and Andrea Fórián recited poems by Hungarian poets.
The former exhibition of the photographer can be visited by the audience in Nagyvárad until February 3. István Tóth, a photographer from Nagyvárad, AFIAP, ESFIAP, the president of the Euro Foto Art International Association and the vice-president of the Hungarian Photography Association of the Carpathian Basin in Szeged, prepared a special photo material at the defining Hungarian and Partium locations of Ferenc Kölcsey’s life: Debrecen, Szatmárcseke, Álmosd, Nagykároly, and Sződemeter are the five settlements where the artist photos were taken, recalling the life path of the poet of the Anthem, researching the traces that have remained to this day.
The traces of 200 years on Kölcsey’s homeland, following the Anthem, are outstanding. With a cooperation spanning borders – with the collaboration of the Partium House in Debrecen and the Bényi Gallery – 40 artist photos were exhibited to the general public from this material on the 200th anniversary of the birth of the Anthem.
The opening was held on the Day of Hungarian Culture, January 22, 2023, at 3 p.m., in the presence of a large audience and the author in front of the streetfront showcase of the Bényi Gallery. István Stanik, the leader of the Partium House in Debrecen, gave a greeting and the festive exhibition was opened by Ferenc Vitéz, an art writer.
The exhibition could be seen until March 5, 2023, in the streetfront showcase of the Bényi Gallery of the Kölcsey Center (Debrecen, Hunyadi St. 1-3.).