International Online Photography Exhibition Opening, 24 April 2021

“Az Én Településem”

The ‘Euro Foto Art’ International Association, in partnership with the Carpathian Basin Institute in Várpalota and the Partium House in Debrecen, is organizing a free Hungarian-language technical and photo art course in the first semester under the direction of István Tóth AFIAP, a photographer from Oradea.

The training is attended by photography enthusiasts living in Hungarian settlements in the Carpathian Basin. At the end of the course, an international exhibition of works from the 100 graduates will be opened in Várpalota in July 2021. The exhibition of photos from the first course graduates was opened in February in the ‘Ștefan Vilidár István’ Gallery (Building C) in the Prince’s Palace of the Medieval Castle of Oradea.

On Saturday, April 24th at 11 am, the opening of the exhibition of works from the graduates of the fifth online course took place, with 23 graduates participating from Slovakia, Serbia, Hungary, Romania, and Ukraine. The 95 exam photos were made by Attila Bak (UA), Dorottya Csala (HU), Karolina Csépe (SRB), Oszkár Csuvik (SRB), Zsolt Demjén (UA), Lóránd Fodor (RO), László Fülöp (UA), Dorin-Flaviu Gorbea (RO), Anna Blanka Hajdu (RO), Kornélia Kardos (SK), Kincső Csenge Kerékjártó (SK), Mónika Király (RO), Evelin Kosztyi (HU), Réka Molnár (SK), Tünde Rozenfeld (SK), Alexandra Sakach (SK), Bálint Seres (RO), Bernadett Szakállas-Lőrincz (SRB), Róbert Takács (SK), Rezső Téglás (RO), János Tóth (SK), Zsuzsanna Varga (SK), Dr. Melinda Vegera (HU).

The online event was greeted by István Tóth AFIAP, a photo artist. At the opening, Norbert Németh, the representative of the Partium House in Debrecen, who highly appreciated the technical and artistic level of the photo course, gave a speech.

At the online event, 16 graduates thanked for the organization of the course and the opportunity to participate in this high-quality online course.

The online event could also be followed live from the Association’s address:

Norbert Németh, the representative of the Partium House in Debrecen, spoke at the opening. The musical moments of the opening were provided by Sándor József Thurzó, a violist, the representative of the Duo Varadiensis from Oradea. Every graduate will receive the Diplomas issued in English, Slovak, Serbian, Hungarian, Romanian, and Ukrainian languages by post.

The works of the participants can be viewed on the website of the International Association: until May 18, 2021.