The Vilidár István Vilidár Gallery, located in the Principality Palace of Oradea Castle, will host another premiere international exhibition, which will open on 13 February 2021 at 11 am, in collaboration with the Euro Foto Art International Association and the Oradea City Museum – Cultural Complex, which was attended in person by a number of residents of Oradea, and followed online via the Zoom platform by around 10 graduate students from the Carpathian Basin (Transylvania, Southern Hungary, Upper Hungary, Upper Hungary, Partum, Transcarpathia and Hungary).
The event was broadcast live on the international association’s Facebook page. István Tóth, AFIAP, ESFIAP, President of the Euro Foto Art International Association, welcomed the audience and said that this was the most complex opening of his career as a course leader.
After presenting the list of the 17 participants, he congratulated the course graduates and presented the diplomas to Zsuzsa Száv and Zoltán Kertész from Érmihályfalvi. Norbert Némethy, representative of the Carpathian Basin Institute in Szeged and the Partium House in Debrecen, attended the event and spoke in praise of the quality and the organisation of the first course. He emphasized the originality of the exhibition and the artistic quality of the pictures.
The works can be viewed online at .
The following graduates spoke at the opening ceremony via the internet: Erika Nyári, teacher from Subotica (South), Zenóbia Zorkóczy, actor from Kézdivásárhely (Transylvania), the Reformed pastor from Petrofalu (Transcarpathia), Olívia Erdélyi, technician from Királyhalom (South), Dóra Matus, university student from Párkány (Felvidék) and Mihály Brógyányi, tourist guide from Bratislava (Felvidék).
The Euro Foto Art International Association, together with the Carpathian Basin Institute in várpalota and with the support of the Partium House in Debrecen, launched the first free Hungarian-language course in photographic techniques and art this year, which was attended by 100 participants from Vojvodina in Serbia, the Slovakian Highlands, the Romanian Partium and Transylvania, the Ukrainian Carpathians and Hungary. The online training was led by István Tóth AFIAP, who has more than 40 years of experience in this field. The first of the planned five courses ended with an exhibition entitled My Settlement, which includes 51 photographs.
The artists are 17 graduates of the course: Boróka Balázsi (RO), Mihály Brogyányi (SK), Dorina Dobán (UA), Olivia Erdélyi (SRB), Mária Gombár (HU), Edit Göblös Csernai (SRB), Alex Hajdu (HU), Norbert Hős (SRB), Kertész Zoltán (RO), Matus Dóra (SK), Nyári Erika (SRB), Perduk Beáta (HU), Szabó Ildikó (SK), Száv Zsuzsa (RO), Szekunda László (UA), Török Adél (HU), Zorkóczy Zenóbia (RO).
At the opening ceremony, the representative of the Duo Varadiensis chamber orchestra, violist Sándor József Thurzó, delighted the audience with the following music: a melody from the Highlands (János Lavotta) and Béla Bartók’s Dance of the Tót Legends. Gréta Nóra Bódi, a 9th grade student of the Oradea Art Lyceum (teacher: Ottilia Leopold) performed Hungarian folk songs. The exhibition will be on display daily from 8 to 20 pm until 25 February 2021. The entrance is free of charge.