The members of the Hungarian Photographic Society of the Carpathian Basin successfully participated in another international competition

The Euro Foto Art International Association (AIEFA), the only regional member of the International Federation of Photographic Artists (FIAP), recognised by UNESCO, in partnership with Summit Agro Romania and the Bihor County Cultural Directorate, jointly launched the FIAP’s Old Wilderness, Why are you rocking / Your foliage on the ground already? The international competition, which is part of the 12th International Festival of Photography in Székesfehérvár, received 342 entries from the USA, Hungary, Serbia, Malta, Moldova, Romania, Ukraine and the United States of America, of which 59 were accepted by the jury. The competition was open to an unlimited number of entries, in line with the theme of the International Competition: inspired by the poem “Old Wilderness, why do you rock me” by Romanian poet Mihai Eminescu. Among the accepted works were images from the South of the Carpathian Basin by members of 18 Hungarian Photographic Societies from the Carpathian Basin: Norbert Hős (2), from Transylvania: Csaba Hátszegi (2), Réka Fekete (1). From Transcarpathia, Dorina Dobán (1), and from Partium: Andrea Fórián (1), Emese-Katalin Kenéz (2), Edina Morvay Szabó AFIAP (3), Géza Szabó (2), and Gyöngyi Bánházi (4). The jury awarded a plaque by Károly Szathmári Pap to Gyöngyi Bánházi’s work entitled “… woman in the night”.